Welcome to Diamond room, our pre-school
Diamond room, is a dedicated space for children aged 3-5 years old. This area is made up of a rich in natural light with direct access to outdoor space.
Here at Redhill Day Nursery, we have been running a successful preschool for over 10 years. With great links to the local schools, with such a big transition our goal is to do an much preparation as possible, so your little ones have all the tools they need when entering the big wide world.
Our preschool offers flexibility to suit the needs of all parents. Children can attend a combination of morning, afternoon or full day sessions and we can offer both term time and stretch funding options enabling us to cater for most family’s needs.
Our experienced, long serving, and dedicated staff provide a stimulating and attractive learning environment with an emphasis on sustained shared thinking. The rooms are designed to create a safe and secure environment, encourage meaningful conversations, stories, singing, group activities and individual activities that engage the whole child. The room has direct access to our outside provision and climbing equipment. They thoroughly enjoy zipping around on their bikes and scooter in the tarmacked front playground. They then home in on their exploration and climbing skills in our back garden with purpose built climbing frame. To top off the outside fun they have access to a self-contained mud kitchen and construction area where they enjoy getting messy, muddy and creative.
Each day is different, and routines are flexible to suit the needs of individual children. There is a good balance of adult lead and child-initiated activities and we never forget to include the fun. Our preschool focuses on encouraging children’s self-help skills and promoting independence. Resources are all displayed in storage units with photo labels to encourage children to make choices and think about their personal preferences. Children participate in circle times allowing them to be part of a group, gain self-confidence, take turns, develop social skills, and develop a sense of routine.
All Children have a labelled drinks bottle, name card for lunch and self-registration picture to encourage them to recognise themselves as individuals and begin to recognise their names, letters and sounds.

Children are encouraged to contribute to their own learning journal and are given the opportunity to view photos, share observations and add their comments. These are all shared through our fantastic ‘Blossom’ parent app.
We believe it is important to support your child as an individual and therefore our room routines are not rigid, but instead flexible and reactive. This means every day is different and ensures each child receives the same opportunities for learning, play and exploration.
Experienced staff will use their expert knowledge to support your child and ensure they settle well into nursery life from the beginning. The time this takes will be quite different for each individual child, however staff will regularly engage with parents to encourage links between home and nursery that create familiarity for your child.
Before your child starts at nursery we provide settling in sessions. These ensure each child becomes familiar with the environment and the staff, in particular their key person. During this time, we will discuss routines, likes and dislikes and provide support for each family during this transition.