Safe and secure environment featuring light spacious rooms adjoined by two large outdoor play areas and a separate outdoor baby play area
The nursery is housed in a single storey building with three large playrooms, all with a warm and friendly atmosphere. We take the safety and security of the children very seriously and the building reflects this with the needs of the children in mind. Off road parking for up to eight cars offers safe dropping off and collection times.
- Our back garden
Our large enclosed outdoor area is accessed directly from the building and consists of:
* An area to the front providing an extension to the nursery for free flow play
* A large all-weather enclosed area for our babies again providing free flow play and a safe place to crawl, walk and explore
* A large garden with sand pit, climbing frame and areas for imagination, creativity, discovery and investigation of the world around them
* An enclosed area in the rear garden containing our mud kitchen and construction area
Entry into the nursery is controlled and no unauthorised person is admitted to the premises, all visitors are accompanied at all times and we have procedures in place for the collection of children by an unfamiliar adult.
The nursery operates a no mobile phone policy.